
Training Department

Welcome to Hellenic Division Training Department. Since you landed on this page means that you have the curiosity and interest to improve your virtual aviation skills. Even if this is the first time you enter the flight simulation world, or even if you are familiar with the aviation world,  the Hellenic Training Department is always available to help you improve your knowledge and awareness in online flying or ATC operations. 

Through the years, we have developed an online training system, both for pilots and ATCs. Every year the department organizes a Pilot Training Course, which introduces pilots to the aviation world, as well as in IVAO culture of online flying. This course prepares the students for their first Rating Exam – Private Pilot (PP). After that rating, for any individual who wants to climb the pilot’s rating ladder, the experienced members of the training department can create a personalized training course, based on the pilot’s needs. 

ATC training also follows an individual training core, based on the previous experience of the controller. No Controller had any experience before, so, don’t hesitate to contact us and start your online career as an ATC on the IVAO network. Our experienced trainers will introduce you to the new Aurora environment and step by step you will be able to handle traffic with ease. 

For more information, you can join us on our Discord server and have a chat directly with our Training Advisors. You can also find some more detailed information on Pilots and ATC training on the respective pages.